
Gemini API with JSON schema

Gists Overview These are sample scripts in Python and Node.js for controlling the output format of the Gemini API using JSON schemas. Description In a previous report, “Taming the Wild Output: Effective Control of Gemini API Response Formats with response_mime_type,” I presented sample scripts created with Google Apps Script. Ref Following its publication, I received requests for sample scripts using Python and Node.js. This report addresses those requests by providing sample scripts in both languages.

Crafting Bespoke Output Formats with Gemini API

Gists Abstract The Gemini API unlocks potential for diverse applications but requires consistent output formatting. This report proposes a method using question phrasing and API calls to craft a bespoke output, enabling seamless integration with user applications. Examples include data categorization and obtaining multiple response options. Introduction With the release of the LLM model Gemini as an API on Vertex AI and Google AI Studio, a world of possibilities has opened up.

Executing Google Apps Script with Service Account

Gists Abstract One day, you might have a situation where it is required to run Google Apps Script using the service account. Unfortunately, in the current stage, Google Apps Script cannot be directly run with the service account because of the current specification. So, this report introduces a workaround for executing Google Apps Script using the service account. Introduction When you want to execute Google Apps Script from outside of Google, as the basic approach, it can be achieved by Google Apps Script API.

Resumable Download of File from Google Drive using Drive API with Python

Gists This is a sample script for achieving the resumable download of a file from Google Drive using Dive API with Python. There might be a case in that you want to achieve the resumable download of a file from Google Drive using Dive API with Python. For example, when a large file is downloaded, the downloading might be stopped in the middle of downloading. At that time, you might want to resume the download.

Using Until Expiration Time of Access Token Retrieved By googleapis for Python

Gists When Google APIs are used with googleapis for Python, the client is obtained as follows. creds = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(service_account_credential_file, scopes=scopes) service = build("drive", "v3", credentials=creds) In this case, when the script is run, the access token is retrieved every time. But, the expiration time of the retrieved access token is 1 hour. Here, there might be the case that you want to use the access token until the expiration time. It is considered that effectively using the access token will lead to SDGs.

Retrieving Access Token from Service Account using oauth2client and google-auth with Python

Gists This is a sample script for retrieving the access token from the service account using oauth2client and google-auth with Python. Sample script 1 Use oauth2client. from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE = "credentials.json" SCOPES = [""] creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE, scopes=SCOPES) res = creds.get_access_token() access_token = res.access_token print(access_token) Sample script 2 Use google-auth. In the current stage, this method might be general. from google.oauth2 import service_account import google.auth.transport.requests SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE = "credentials.

Uploading Files to Google Drive with Asynchronous Process using Python

Gists This is a sample script for uploading files to Google Drive with asynchronous process using Python. Sample script import aiohttp import asyncio import json folder_id = "###" # Please set the folder ID you want to put. token = "###" # Please set your access token. url = "" async def workers(file): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: metadata = {"name": file["filename"], "parents": [folder_id]} data = aiohttp.

Replacing Template Texts with Array in Google Document using Docs API with Python

Gists This is a sample script for replacing the template texts with an array in Google Document using Docs API with Python. The sample input and output situations are as follows. In the current stage, when replaceAllText of Docs API is used with the sample value of ["updated text 1", "updated text 2", "updated text 3"], all values of {{oldText}} are replaced with the 1st value of updated text 1 in one batch request.

Sample Scripts for Creating New Event with Google Meet Link to Google Calendar using Various Languages

Gists This is the sample scripts for creating new event with Google Meet link to Google Calendar using various languages. When I saw the official document of “Add video and phone conferences to events”, in the current stage, I can see only the sample script for Javascript. But I saw the several questions related to this for various languages. So I published the sample scripts for creating new event with Google Meet link to Google Calendar using various languages.

Retrieving All Values from All Sheets from URL of 2PACX- of Web Published Google Spreadsheet using Python

Gists This is a sample script for retrieving all values from all sheets from URL of 2PACX- of Web Published Google Spreadsheet using Python. In this post, it supposes that the Google Spreadsheet has already been published for Web. Ref Flow The flow of this method is as follows. Retrieve XLSX data from the URL of web published Google Spreadsheet as BytesIO data. The URL is like XLSX data is parsed with openpyxl.

Updated: GetFileList for golang, Javascript, Node.js and Python

Updated: GetFileList for golang, Javascript, Node.js and Python This is the libraries to retrieve the file list with the folder tree from the specific folder of own Google Drive and shared Drives. Golang: Updated to v1.0.4. Javascript: Updated to v1.0.3. Node.js: Updated to v1.0.5. Python: Updated to v1.0.6.

Updated: python library - getfilelistpy

python library - getfilelistpy was updated to v1.0.5. v1.0.5 (May 15, 2020) Shared drive got to be able to be used. The file list can be retrieved from both your Google Drive and the shared drive. For example, when the folder ID in the shared Drive is used id of resource, you can retrieve the file list from the folder in the shared Drive. You can check getfilelistpy at https://github.

Simple Script of Resumable Upload with Google Drive API for Python

Gists This is a simple sample script for achieving the resumable upload to Google Drive using Python. In order to achieve the resumable upload, at first, it is required to retrieve the location, which is the endpoint of upload. The location is included in the response headers. After the location was retrieved, the file can be uploaded to the location URL. In this sample, a PNG file is uploaded with the resumable upload using a single chunk.

Libraries of gdoctableapp for golang, Node.js and python were updated to v110

Libraries of gdoctableapp for golang, Node.js and python were updated to v1.1.0 go-gdoctableapp v1.1.0 (January 22, 2020) 2 new methods were added. From this version, the texts can be replaced by images. The direct link and local file can be used as the image. node-gdoctableapp v1.1.0 (January 22, 2020) New method was added. From this version, the texts can be replaced by images.

Libraries of gdoctableapp for golang, Node.js and python were updated to v105

Libraries of gdoctableapp for golang, Node.js and python were updated to v1.0.5 go-gdoctableapp node-gdoctableapp gdoctableapppy Update History v1.0.5 (January 21, 2020) When the inline objects and tables are put in the table. An error occurred. This bug was removed by this update. I got the pull request at here.

Updated: python library - getfilelistpy

python library - getfilelistpy was updated to v1.0.4. v1.0.4 (August 23, 2019) For OAuth2, oauth2client and google_auth_oauthlib got to be able to be used. About the sample script for google_auth_oauthlib, please see this. You can check getfilelistpy at You can also check getfilelistpy at

Creating a Table to Google Document by Retrieving Values from Google Spreadsheet for Python

Gists This is a sample script for creating a table to Google Document by retrieving values from Google Spreadsheet for Python. Before you use this script, please install python library of gdoctableapppy. $ pip install gdoctableapppy Sample script: This sample script uses Service Account. In this sample script, the values are retrieved from Sheet1!A1:C5 of Spreadsheet, and new table is created to the Document using the values. from google.oauth2 import service_account from gdoctableapppy import gdoctableapp from googleapiclient.

python library - gdoctableapppy

Overview This is a python library to manage the tables on Google Document using Google Docs API. Description Google Docs API has been released. When I used this API, I found that it is very difficult for me to manage the tables on Google Document using Google Docs API. Although I checked the official document, unfortunately, I thought that it’s very difficult for me. So in order to easily manage the tables on Google Document, I created this library.

python library - getfilelistpy

Overview This is a python library to retrieve the file list with the folder tree from the specific folder of Google Drive. Description When I create applications for using Google Drive, I often retrieve a file list from a folder in the application. So far, I had created the script for retrieving a file list from a folder for each application. Recently, I thought that if there is the script for retrieving the file list with the folder tree from the folder of Google Drive as a library, it will be useful for me and other users.

Append Values by Inserting Rows using Google Sheets API

Gists In the case appending values to cell by inserting rows, when sheets.spreadsheets.values.append is used, the values are appended to the next empty row of the last row. If you want to append values to between cells with values by inserting row, you can achieve it using sheets.spreadsheets.batchUpdate. When you use this, please use your access token. Endpoint : POST spreadsheet ID ###:batchUpdate Request body : In this request body, it appends the data of “sample1, sample2, sample3” to “A1:A3” of the sheetId of “1234567890”.

Uploading Files From Local To Google Drive by Python without Quickstart

Gists This is a sample script for uploading files from local PC to Google Drive using Python. In this sample, Quickstart is not used. So when you use this script, please retrieve access token. Curl sample : curl -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ### access token ###" \ -F "metadata={name : 'sample.png', parents: ['### folder ID ###']};type=application/json;charset=UTF-8" \ -F "file=@sample.png;type=image/png" \ "" ] Python sample : When above curl sample is converted to Python, it becomes as follows.

Decoding Gmail Body with Japanese Language using Python

Gist This is a sample script for decoding Gmail body with Japanese language using Python. msg = service.users().messages().get(userId='me', id=id).execute() parts = msg['payload']['parts'] for e in parts: msg = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(e['body']['data']).decode('utf-8').encode('cp932', "ignore").decode('cp932') print(msg)

Updating Thumbnail of File on Google Drive using Python

Gists This sample script is for updating thumbnail of file on Google Drive using Python. This sample supposes that quickstart is used and default quickstart works fine. In order to use this sample, please carry out as follows. Replace main() of the default quickstart to this sample. Script : import base64 # This is used for this sample. def main(): credentials = get_credentials() http = credentials.

Sublime Text Plugin - gislacks

Overview This is a plugin of Sublime Text 3 for submitting files to both Gist and Slack. Description I like to use Sublime Text for developing scripts. And when I discuss about developing scripts, I often use Slack. When I submitted a script to Slack, I had saved the script to Gist as a backup. I had done manually this on my browser. Namely, I wanted to be saving the revision of script while I’m discussing about the script at Slack.

Error Handling for Subprocess at Python

This sample is for error handling for subprocess.Popen. It confirms whether the execution file is existing. If the execution file is also not in the path, the error message is shown. import subprocess res = subprocess.Popen( "application", # <- Execution file stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True ).communicate() if len(res[1]) == 0: print("ok: Application is existing.") else: print("Error: Application is not found.")

File Transfer for Google Drive Without Authorization

Overview In this article, I would like to introduce how to transfer files for Google Drive under no authorization. This has also been published here. Description When we download and upload files for Google Drive, it usually has to use Drive API. In order to use Drive API, access token is required. If you want to make your friends download and upload files for your Google Drive, the authorization process is to take time.

OCR using Google Drive API

This is a sample script for OCR using Google Drive API. A text file which converted by OCR can be retrieved by inputting an image file. In this sample, Python Quickstart is used. The detail information is Please read “Step 1: Turn on the Drive API” and “Step 2: Install the Google Client Library”. from __future__ import print_function import httplib2 import os import io from apiclient import discovery from oauth2client import client from oauth2client import tools from oauth2client.

Converting PDF to TXT

This is a sample script for converting a PDF file to a TXT file. 2 steps are required for this. Upload a PDF file as a Google Document Download a Google Document as a TXT file In this sample, Python Quickstart is used. The detail information is Please read “Step 1: Turn on the Drive API” and “Step 2: Install the Google Client Library”. from __future__ import print_function import httplib2 import os import io from apiclient import discovery from oauth2client import client from oauth2client import tools from oauth2client.

Download Files Without Authorization From Google Drive

Overview In this article, files can be downloaded without authorization. Description When we download files from Google Drive, it usually has to use Drive API. In order to use Drive API, access token is required. If you want to make your friends download files from your Google Drive, the authorization process is to take time. Also Web Link for each files can be used. But it has to set for each files.

Python Library - souwapy

This “souwapy” is a library for summing array elements with high speed by new algorithm (Pyramid method). The speed is faster than csv and panbdas module of python and v8 engine of node.js. The souwapy module is 2.3 and 3.1 times faster than csv and pandas module, respectively. This was really surprised me. It was found that the theory was correct. At first, I have created this theory for Google Apps Script.

Element's Duplicate Number in Array at Python

Suddenly I had to need this. This script can get the duplicate number of each element in array at Python. In this script, the duplicate number of each element is obtained and sorted by the duplicate number. This was expressed by the comprehension. data = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'b', 'c', 'b'] result = sorted({i: data.count(i) for i in set(data)}.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) print(result) >>> [('b', 4), ('c', 3), ('d', 2), ('a', 1)]

GAS Library - SOUWA_GAS - Effects on Optimized Codes of Pyramid Method

Abstract I have already reported that the pyramid method is one of very effectively algolithms for summing string elements in an array using Google Apps Script (GAS). This report describes the adaptability of the pyramid method to any languages except for GAS. c++ (g++), Go, Java, Javascript on Node.js, Python and Ruby were chosen as the sample languages. In those languages, there are languages which have the distinctive commands for summing the array elements.