google api

Checking API Enabled with Advanced Google Services using Google Apps Script

Gists Overview This script checks if the desired API is enabled or disabled in the Advanced Google Services section of Google Apps Script. Introduction As of December 11, 2023, Drive API v3 became available for use in Advanced Google Services. Ref This means you can now choose between v2 and v3 in your scripts. However, when Drive API is enabled, version 3 is automatically selected. This caused compatibility issues with previously published libraries that relied on v2.

Empowering Everyone to Leverage Various Google APIs using Google Apps Script

Gists Abstract Google offers powerful APIs but using them (except advanced services) can be complex. A new, simpler method would benefit developers creating diverse applications. To address this, I built a Google Apps Script library simplifying API access. Description There are numerous powerful Google APIs available today. Google Apps Script streamlines interacting with these APIs through a simplified authorization process. Additionally, advanced Google services integrate seamlessly with Apps Script, making Google APIs highly advantageous for users.

Taking Advantage of Auto-completion of Script Editor for Google Apps Script

Gists Introduction This is a report for taking advantage of the auto-completion of the script editor for Google Apps Script. In the current stage, the auto-completion is implemented in the script editor of Google Apps Script. This auto-completion can be used for not only the built-in classes and methods but also the methods for Javascript. This helps develop scripts and applications very much. In the case of the built-in classes and methods and the methods for Javascript, you can see the detailed specifications of the documents like the official documents and developer.

Using Until Expiration Time of Access Token Retrieved By googleapis for Python

Gists When Google APIs are used with googleapis for Python, the client is obtained as follows. creds = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(service_account_credential_file, scopes=scopes) service = build("drive", "v3", credentials=creds) In this case, when the script is run, the access token is retrieved every time. But, the expiration time of the retrieved access token is 1 hour. Here, there might be the case that you want to use the access token until the expiration time. It is considered that effectively using the access token will lead to SDGs.

Retrieving Access Token from Service Account using oauth2client and google-auth with Python

Gists This is a sample script for retrieving the access token from the service account using oauth2client and google-auth with Python. Sample script 1 Use oauth2client. from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE = "credentials.json" SCOPES = [""] creds = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE, scopes=SCOPES) res = creds.get_access_token() access_token = res.access_token print(access_token) Sample script 2 Use google-auth. In the current stage, this method might be general. from google.oauth2 import service_account import google.auth.transport.requests SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE = "credentials.

node module - node-gbatchrequests

Overview This is a Node.js module to run the batch requests of Google APIs. Description In Google APIs, there are APIs where batch requests can be run. The batch requests can run multiple API calls by one API call with the asynchronous process. By this, both the process cost and the quota cost can be reduced. Ref In Node.js, the wonderful module of googleapis for Node.js is existing. But, in the current stage, unfortunately, it seems that the googleapis for Node.

Full-text search of Google Apps Script Projects using Google Apps Script

Gists These are sample scripts for achieving the full-text search of Google Apps Script projects using Google Apps Script. I have the case that I want to search a value from Google Apps Script projects using a Google Apps Script. In this post, I would like to introduce the sample scripts for achieving the full-text search of Google Apps Script projects. 1. Full-text search from all Google Apps Script Projects of standalone type in Google Drive Before you use this script, please enable Drive API at Advanced Google services.

Creating Quizzes in Google Form using Google Forms API with Google Apps Script

Gists This is a sample script for creating quizzes in Google Form using Google Forms API with Google Apps Script. Recently, Google Forms API has been officially published, and it got to be able to be used by users. By this, quizzes in Google Form can be created using Google Forms API. Here, there is one thing that can be achieved by Google Forms API. When Google Forms API is used, each choice in each question can be shuffled.

Finally, Google Forms API has been officially released as version 1

Finally, Google Forms API has been officially released as version 1. Create surveys, quizzes, and more using the Google Forms API, now generally available The Google Forms API provides programmatic access for managing Google Forms and acting on responses— empowering developers to build powerful integrations on top of Forms. Forms API

Announcing the Google Forms API

Announcing the Google Forms API Google is proud to announce the Google Forms API! The Forms API is currently available in Restricted Beta, with Open Beta expected to follow in Q4. Forms API