node module - node-gbatchrequests


This is a Node.js module to run the batch requests of Google APIs.


In Google APIs, there are APIs where batch requests can be run. The batch requests can run multiple API calls by one API call with the asynchronous process. By this, both the process cost and the quota cost can be reduced. Ref In Node.js, the wonderful module of googleapis for Node.js is existing. But, in the current stage, unfortunately, it seems that the googleapis for Node.js cannot run the batch requests. Ref So, I created this module. This module can achieve batch requests with Node.js. In order to run batch requests, the access token retrieved from googleapis for Node.js can be used.


$ npm install --save-dev gbatchrequests


$ npm install --global gbatchrequests

You can also see this module at

You can check this module at
