Overview This is a Google Apps Script library for efficiently managing the time-driven triggers for executing Google Apps Script using Google Apps Script.
Description Google Apps Script can execute with not only the manual operation but also several triggers. The time-driven trigger is one of them, and this is one of a lot of important functions. When the time-driven trigger is used, Google Apps Script can be automatically executed at the time you set without launching the user’s PC.
This is a sample script for exporting the specific pages from a PDF as a new PDF using Google Apps Script.
In this sample script, pdf-lib is used. In the current stage, it seems that this Javascript can be directly used with Google Apps Script.
Sample script async function myFunction() { // Retrieve PDF data. const fileId = "###"; // Please set a file ID of your a PDF file or a file ID of Google Docs files (Document, Spreadsheet, Slide).
This is a sample script for converting various images to PNG Format and JPEG format using Google Apps Script.
The flow of this sample script is as follows.
Convert the file to PNG format by the thumbnail link. Convert PNG format to JPEG format if outputFormat is “JPEG”. Create the image data in the JPEG format in the root folder as a file. Sample script Please set your file ID and output format.
This is a sample script for copying a Google Spreadsheet including a container-bound script by removing the container-bound script using Google Apps Script.
When you want to copy a Google Google Spreadsheet including a container-bound script by removing the container-bound script using Google Apps Script, this could be achieved by using “get” and “create” methods of Sheets API before. The sample script is as follows.
const obj = Sheets.Spreadsheets.get( SpreadsheetApp.
This is a sample script for notifying the new release of Google APIs and Google Apps Script with an email using Google Apps Script.
Recently, I published a sample script of “Retrieving Release Notes of Google Apps Script and Google APIs from RSS using Google Apps Script”. After this was published, I got an email that it wants to automatically notice the new release of Google APIs and Google Apps Script with an email.