This is a sample script for managing the metadata of PDF data using Google Apps Script.
There might be a case in that you want to retrieve and update the metadata of PDF data using Google Apps Script. In this post, I would like to introduce achieving this.
Class ManagePdfMetadata This is a Class ManagePdfMetadata. This Class is used for managing the metadata of PDF files using Google Apps Script.
This is a sample script for checking the overwrapped cells of multiple ranges on Google Spreadsheet using Google Apps Script.
When applications are developed, there might be a case that it is required to confirm whether 2 ranges on Google Spreadsheet are overwrapped. In this post, I would like to introduce a sample script for achieving this.
Method: getOverwrappedCells The following script is a method of getOverwrappedCells. This is the main script of this post.
This is a sample script for automatically refreshing the basic filter on Google Spreadsheet using Google Apps Script.
Description A sample situation is as follows.
In this sample, the basic filter is set to columns “B” and “D”.
Column “B”: When the checkbox is checked, the row is hidden. Column “D”: When the cell value is multiples of 3, the row is hidden. In this case, the custom function =MOD(E2,3)<>0 is used.
Overview This is a Google Apps Script library for efficiently managing the time-driven triggers for executing Google Apps Script using Google Apps Script.
Description Google Apps Script can execute with not only the manual operation but also several triggers. The time-driven trigger is one of them, and this is one of a lot of important functions. When the time-driven trigger is used, Google Apps Script can be automatically executed at the time you set without launching the user’s PC.
This is a sample script for exporting the specific pages from a PDF as a new PDF using Google Apps Script.
In this sample script, pdf-lib is used. In the current stage, it seems that this Javascript can be directly used with Google Apps Script.
Sample script async function myFunction() { // Retrieve PDF data. const fileId = "###"; // Please set a file ID of your a PDF file or a file ID of Google Docs files (Document, Spreadsheet, Slide).