
The Thinker

Benchmark: Process cost for Parsing XML data using Google Apps Script

Gists Introduction In order to retrieve the values from XML data, when XML data is parsed using Google Apps Script, there are several methods for parsing the data. Class XmlService, which is a built-in Class for managing XML data, might be the first way to come up with it. At Stackoverflow, it is posted questions that XML data is often parsed using Class XmlService. It is considered that Class XmlService is suitable for managing XML data.

Retrieving Values of Dropdown List of Smart Chips on Google Document using Google Apps Script

Gists This is a sample script for retrieving the values of dropdown list of the smart chips on Google Document using Google Apps Script. At August 23, 2021, 3 Classes for retrieving the smart chips have been added to Google Apps Script. But, in the current stage, unfortunately, all values of the smart chips cannot be retrieved by the Classes. For example, the dropdown list of the smart chips cannot be retrieved using the 3 Classes.

Removing Invalid Named Ranges from Google Spreadsheet using Google Apps Script

Gists This is a sample script for removing the invalid named range of #REF from Google Spreadsheet using Google Apps Script. Issue and workaround For example, there are 2 sheets of “Sheet1” and “Sheet2” in a Google Spreadsheet. A new named range of sample is created for the range of Sheet1!A1, and remove the sheet of “Sheet1”. By this flow, when the named range list is checked by UI on Spreadsheet, sample has #REF.

Converting A1Notation to GridRange and vice versa using Google Apps Script without any Scopes

Gists This is a sample script for converting A1Notation to GridRange and vice versa using Google Apps Script without any scopes. A1Notation and GridRange are often used with Sheets API. I have posted a sample script for converting A1Notation to GridRange before. Ref But, in that case, I used the method of Spreadsheet service (SpreadsheetApp). By this, in order to use the script, it is required to authorize the scopes. In this sample script, A1Notation can be converted to GridRange and vice versa with no scopes.

Shortening a Long URL using Firebase Dynamic Links API with Google Apps Script

Gists This is a sample script for shortening a long URL using Firebase Dynamic Links API with Google Apps Script. IMPORTANT Before you use this script, please create a new Firebase project and link it to your Google Cloud Platform Project. Ref And, please enable Firebase Dynamic Links API at the API console. And then, please create your API key from your Google Cloud Platform Project. Sample script const apiKey = "###"; // Please set your API key.