
The Thinker

Retrieving Names of Month and Day of Week using Google Apps Script

Gists This is a sample script for retrieving the names of month and day of week using Google Apps Script. I think that you might have a case that you want to retrieve the names of month and day of week using Google Apps Script. This sample script retrieves them using a simple script. Using Utilities.formatDate of Google Apps Script, the names of month and day of week can be retrieved using a simple script.

Checking Exchange Rate using GOOGLEFINANCE with Google Apps Script

Gists This is a sample script for checking the exchange rate using GOOGLEFINANCE with Google Apps Script. Recently, I have published a report of “Report: Obtaining Values from GOOGLEFINANCE using Google Apps Script”. Ref In this post, I would like to introduce a sample script for checking the exchange rate using Google Apps Script. Sample script Please copy and paste the following script to the script editor of Spreadsheet. // When this script is run, a trigger for executing "checkCurrency" function is installed.

Replacing Images on Google Document in Order using Google Apps Script

Gists This is a sample script for replacing images on Google Document in order using Google Apps Script. Sample script This sample script uses Drive API and Docs API. So, please enable Drive API and Docs API at Advanced Google services. Ref In this sample script, the images on Google Document are replaced with the image files on your Google Drive in order. Each image in Document is replaced in order of file Ids in fileIds.

Report: Management of Images on Google Spreadsheet using Google Apps Script

Gists This is a report for management of images on Google Spreadsheet using Google Apps Script. At October 30, 2018, Cass OverGridImage and the method of inserImage have been added to Spreadsheet Service. Ref At January 19, 2022, Class CellImageBuilder and Class CellImage have been added to Spreadsheet Service. Ref By these Classes and methods, the images got to be able to be managed on Google Spreadsheet. But, when the image is used to the various situations, there are the cases that it is required to ingenuity to manage the images.

Report: Documentation Comments including JsDoc for Functions of Google Apps Script

Gists This is a report for the documentation comments for the functions of Google Apps Script. When the documentation comments for functions of Google Apps Script are considered, you will think JsDoc. At Google Apps Script, a part of JsDoc can be used. But, in this report, I would like to introduce the documentation comments including JsDoc. Sample situations Sample 1 For example, when the following sample function is written,