This is a sample script for comparing the file contents of files on Google Drive using Google Apps Script.
Sample script Before you use this script, please enable Drive API at Advanced Google services. And also, please set the file IDs you want to check whether the file contents of the files are the same.
function checkFiles_(f, checks = ["md5Checksum", "sha1Checksum", "sha256Checksum"]) { files = => DriveApp.getFileById(id)); const fields = [.
This is a sample script for exporting Google Documents as HTML with the image hyperlinks using Google Apps Script.
Recently, it seems that the specification for exporting Google Documents as HTML data has been changed. When a Google Document are exported as HTML data before, the images in the Google Document were the image hyperlinks, which are publicly shared. But, in the current stage, when a Google Document is exported as HTML data, the images in the Google Document are the data URL (base64 data) of the images.
This is a sample script for retrieving the release notes of Google Apps Script and Google APIs from RSS using Google Apps Script.
Recently, the release notes of Google Apps Script and Google APIs have been published as RSS. By this, the data got to be able to be easily retrieved using XmlService of Google Apps Script. Knowing the latest release notes will be useful for developing the applications. So, I would like to introduce the sample script for retrieving this information.
This is a sample script for inserting the paragraphs with the checkboxes in Google Documents using Google Apps Script.
In the current stage, Google Documents can create paragraphs with checkboxes as the paragraph bullet. But, unfortunately, this cannot be created by the Google Document service (DocumentApp). Fortunately, it seems that this got to be able to be achieved by Google Docs API. In this post, I would like to introduce a sample script for this.
Introduction This is a simple workaround for starting an animation GIF on Google Slide by clicking.
When an animation GIF is inserted into a slide of Google Slides, the animation is automatically started. By this, the timing for starting cannot be controlled by the user side. In this post, I would like to introduce a workaround for resolving this issue. Preparation The sample flow is as follows.
Prepare a sample animation GIF.