
The Thinker

[Fixed] Google Apps Script Web App HTML form file-input fields not in blob compatible format

After V8 runtime was released, there was a bug that when the file is sent from HTML form to Google Apps Script side using google.script.run, the file blob was the invalid data. From Apps Script Pulse by Martin Hawksey, it was found that the invalid blob of sending the file of HTML form to Google Apps Script side using google.script.run has finally been resolved. In this case, this script can be used with V8 runtime.

Retrieving Data from Content-Type of 'text/event-stream' using Javascript and Google Apps Script

Gists This is a sample script for retrieving the data from Content-Type of ’text/event-stream’ using Javascript and Google Apps Script. In the current stage, UrlFetchApp of Google Apps Script cannot be retrieved the data from Content-Type of ’text/event-stream’. This sample script can be used for achieving this as a workaround. This sample script uses EventSource. So this script uses a dialog on Google Docs files (This sample uses Google Spreadsheet.).

Pseudo OnEdit Trigger for Google Document using Google Apps Script

Gists This is a sample script for achieving the pseudo OnEdit trigger for Google Document using Google Apps Script. In the current stage, there is not OnEdit trigger for Google Document. Ref But I sometimes have the case that I want to use OnEdit trigger. So, as the current workaround, I created this sample script. I think that this workaround can be also used for Google Slides, Google Form and also Google Spreadsheet.

Converting Range ID to Range Object on Google Spreadsheet using Google Apps Script

Gists This is a workaround for converting the range ID to the range object on Google Spreadsheet using Google Apps Script. When the named range is put to a cell as the hyperlink as follows, the hyperlink is like #rangeid=123456789. When this link is clicked, it moves to the cells of the named range. So it is considered that this value of #rangeid=123456789 includes the information about the range of the named range.