The sample scripts for using Google Forms API have been published by cschalk-goog. The scripts include the method for basically requesting to Forms API. This information will be very useful for a lot of users.
This is a sample script for achieving the pseudo OnEdit trigger for Google Spreadsheet without the simple and the installable triggers using Google Apps Script.
Today, I saw a question at Stackoverflow. The goal of this question is as follows.
There is a Google Spreadsheet created by a service account. Goal is to use OnEdit trigger on this Spreadsheet. I thought a workaround for achieving this goal.
On October 12, 2021, Google Forms API had been announced. Ref On December 7, 2021, Google Forms API had been released as open beta. Ref In the current stage, when the users join the Early Adopter Program, they can use Google Forms API of the beta version. Ref
By using Google Forms API, what Google Forms service cannot achieve got to be able to be achieved by Google Forms API.
Now, Google Forms API can be used in open beta. The official post is
Official document of Forms API
After V8 runtime was released, there was a bug that when the file is sent from HTML form to Google Apps Script side using, the file blob was the invalid data.
From Apps Script Pulse by Martin Hawksey, it was found that the invalid blob of sending the file of HTML form to Google Apps Script side using has finally been resolved. In this case, this script can be used with V8 runtime.