
Retrieving List of All Emails of Microsoft Account using Google Apps Script

Gists This is a sample script for retrieving the list of all emails of Microsoft account and putting them to Google Spreadsheet using Google Apps Script. I updated OnedriveApp to v1.2.0 by adding 1 method for retrieving the access token and 7 methods for managing emails of Microsoft account. By this, the emails got to be able to be gotten and sent using Microsoft account using OnedriveApp with Google Apps Script.

Updated: GAS Library - OnedriveApp

OnedriveApp was updated to v1.2.0. v1.2.0 (October 4, 2021) 1 method for retrieving the access token and 7 methods for managing emails of Microsoft account were added. By this, the emails got to be able to be gotten and sent using Microsoft account using OnedriveApp with Google Apps Script. GitHub of OnedriveApp

Updated: GAS Library - OnedriveApp

OnedriveApp was updated to v1.0.2. Moved the instance of PropertiesService.getScriptProperties() to outside of this library. When there is the PropertiesService.getScriptProperties() inside the library, it was found that the parameters that users set was saved to the library. So this was modified. I’m sorry that I couldn’t notice this situation. GitHub of OnedriveApp

GAS Library - OnedriveApp

This is a library of Google Apps Script for using Microsoft OneDrive. Feature This library can carry out following functions using OneDrive APIs. Retrieve file list on OneDrive. Delete files and folders on OneDrive. Create folder on OneDrive. Download files from OneDrive to Google Drive. Upload files from Google Drive to OneDrive. Demo You can see the detail information here

Uploading Files to OneDrive Using Node.js

Gists Upload contents for an item on OneDrive In order to use this script, please retrieve client id, client secret and refresh token before. About this, you can see the detail information at 1. Simple item upload This is for the simple item upload is available for items with less than 4 MB of content. The detail information is var fs = require('fs'); var mime = require('mime'); var request = require('request'); var file = '.

Retrieving Access Token From OneDrive using Google Apps Script

Gist Overview This GAS sample is for retrieving access token to use OneDrive APIs using Google Apps Script. In this script, the authorization code is automatically retrieved. Demo Usage In order to use this, both accounts of Google and OneDrive (MSN) are required. Google side Copy and paste the sample script to your script editor. You can use the standalone script for this. Deploy Web Apps. On the Script Editor File -> Manage Versions -> Save New Version Publish -> Deploy as Web App -> At Execute the app as, select “your account” -> At Who has access to the app, select “Only myself” -> Click “Deploy” -> Copy URL of “latest code” (This is important!