Google site

Report: Publishing Various Google Docs with Same URL using Google Apps Script

Gists This is a sample method for publishing various Google Docs files with the same URL using Google Apps Script. By updating on May 25, 2022, the content got to be able to be embedded as a full page in the new Google site. Ref In this method, this is used. Usage 1. Create a Google Docs. First, as a simple sample, please create a new Google Spreadsheet. And please copy the URL like https://docs.

Embed content as a full page in new Google Sites

By updating on May 25, 2022, the content got to be able to be embedded as a full page in the new Google site. Ref. This is very good news for me. For example, with this update, the Web Apps created by Google Apps Script can be published by embedding to the Google site as a full page. By this, the URL of the Google site, and Google Analytics can be used.