
Updated: CLI Tool - gislack

gislack is a CLI tool to submit files to both Gist and Slack. v1.0.4 (February 27, 2021) I noticed that this application uses the duplicated methods of Slack API. Ref By this, the duplicated methods were updated to the new methods as follows. From “channels.list” to “conversations.list”. From “channels.history” to “conversations.history”. Please check it out.

CLI Tool - gislack

Overview This is a CLI tool to submit files to both Gist and Slack. Description When I discuss about developing scripts, I often use Slack. When I submitted a script to Slack, I had saved the script to Gist as a backup. I had done manually this on my browser. Namely, I wanted to be saving the revision of script while I’m discussing about the script at Slack. Recently, I wished this process had been able to be automatically run.