
Updated: GAS Application - UnlockSmartInvoiceManagementWithGeminiAPI

UnlockSmartInvoiceManagementWithGeminiAPI was updated to v1.0.2. v1.0.2 (July 23, 2024) On July 23, 2024, I noticed that PDF data could be directly parsed by Gemini API. It is considered that this is due to the update by the Google side. So, I updated setBlobs([blob], true) to setBlobs([blob], false) of the method parseInvoiceByGemini_. By this modification, the PDF blob is directly used with Gemini API. Ref You can see the detail information here https://github.

Updated: GAS Application - UnlockSmartInvoiceManagementWithGeminiAPI

UnlockSmartInvoiceManagementWithGeminiAPI was updated to v1.0.1. v1.0.1 (June 17, 2024) In order to easily customize the value of “jsonSchema” for generating content with Gemini API, I added it as a new sheet of “jsonSchema” sheet in the Spreadsheet. When you customize it, you can edit the cell “A1” of the “jsonSchema” sheet. By this, the script generates content with Gemini API using your customized JSON schema. The cell “A2” is the number of characters of “A1”.

Unlock Smart Invoice Management: Gemini, Gmail, and Google Apps Script Integration

Gists You can see the presentation of this application at Abstract This report describes an invoice processing application built with Google Apps Script. It leverages Gemini, a large language model, to automatically parse invoices received as email attachments and automates the process using time-driven triggers. Introduction The emergence of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Gemini has significantly impacted various aspects of our daily lives. One such example

Creating Dining Reservation System using Google Apps Script

Gists Abstract Google Apps Script automates tasks (even offline) and builds web apps using spreadsheets as databases. This report presents a basic dining reservation system to illustrate key aspects of web app development with Apps Script, HTML, and Javascript. Introduction Google Apps Script is one of the powerful automation tools for achieving the automation process. When Google Apps Script can be used for the situation, even when users are away from their computers, automation can continue thanks to cloud computing.