These are the sample scripts for creating and deleting multiple events in Google Calendar by batch requests using Calendar API with Node.js.
In the current stage, unfortunately, googleapis for Node.js cannot request batch requests. Ref So, when multiple events are created and deleted in Google Calendar using Node.js, it is required to run the script in a loop. In this case, the process cost becomes high. Ref In this post, I would like to introduce creating and deleting multiple events in Google Calendar using batch request with Node.
Overview This is a Node.js module to run the batch requests of Google APIs.
Description In Google APIs, there are APIs where batch requests can be run. The batch requests can run multiple API calls by one API call with the asynchronous process. By this, both the process cost and the quota cost can be reduced. Ref In Node.js, the wonderful module of googleapis for Node.js is existing. But, in the current stage, unfortunately, it seems that the googleapis for Node.
This is a sample script for updating Array1 with Array2 using Google Apps Script.
As a sample situation, there are 2 arrays (Array1 and Array2) of the 2-dimensional array. The sample situation can be seen in the above sample Spreadsheet.
Conditions When the values of column “A” of Array2 are existing in column “A” of Array1, the rows of Array1 are updated by that of Array2. When the values of column “A” of Array2 are not existing in column “A” of Array1, the rows of Array2 are appended to Array1.
My report has been published on the Blog of Google Cloud.
Blog Efficient File Management using Batch Requests with Google Apps Script
This is a sample script for retrieving the batch path for using the batch requests using Google Apps Script.
After August 12, 2020, in order to use batch requests, the batch path is required to be used to the endpoint of the batch requests. And, the batch path is sometimes updated. So, when a constant batch path has been continued to be used, this might lead to the reason for an error.