This sample script decrypts the salted base64 data of using Google Apps Script.
Recently, it seems that the specification of the key for decrypting the data has been changed on the server side, again. In this update, I looked for the logic for retrieving the key value. But, I cannot still find it. So, in this post, I would like to use a workaround discussed in this thread. In this thread, the valid keys are listed in a text file.
This is a sample script for putting the values of all Spreadsheets in a folder to the master Spreadsheet with a low process cost using Google Apps Script.
There is a case in that I want to collect the values from multiple Spreadsheets and put the values into the master Spreadsheet. When this situation is achieved by Google Apps Script, as the general method, the values are required to be retrieved from each Spreadsheet in a loop.
This is a workaround for retrieving the hyperlink from the cell of a number value using Google Apps Script.
As a sample situation, it supposes that a cell “A1” has a number value like 123, and a hyperlink of is set to the cell. In order to retrieve the hyperlink from the cell, it is required to use the methods of getRichTextValue() and getRichTextValues(). But, in the current stage, when the cell value is a number value, when the RichText is retrieved by getRichTextValue(), null is returned.
My report has been published at Champion Innovators Content Library.
Uploading Video File on Google Drive to YouTube with Resumable Upload using Google Apps Script If these reports will be useful, I’m glad.
This sample script decrypts the salted base64 data of using Google Apps Script.
Recently, it seems that the specification of the key for decrypting the data has been changed at the server side. So. from this script, I updated the script as follows.
Sample script function myFunction() { // Load crypto-js.min.js. const cdnjs = ""; eval(UrlFetchApp.fetch(cdnjs).getContentText()); // Retrieve HTML and retrieve salted base64.