GAS Library - PDFApp


This is a Google Apps Script library for managing PDFs.


Google Apps Script is one of the most powerful tools for cloud computing. When Google Apps Script is used, the result can be obtained even when the user doesn’t stay in front of the PC and mobile phone by the triggers. One day, there might be a case where it is required to manage PDF data using Google Apps Script. The combination of Google Docs (Document, Spreadsheet, and Slide) and PDFs is useful for various situations. However, unfortunately, there are no built-in methods for directly managing PDFs using Google Apps Script. Fortunately, it seems that pdf-lib of the Javascript library can be used with Google Apps Script. By this, PDF data can be managed with Google Apps Script using this library. This Google Apps Script library manages PDFs by using it as a wrapper between Google Apps Script and pdf-lib.

Library’s project key


You can see the detail information here
