
The Thinker

GAS Library - RichTextAssistant

Overview This is a GAS library for supporting editing RichText in Google Spreadsheet using Google Apps Script. Description There is RichTextApp in my published libraries. RichTextApp can be used mainly for converting RichText to Google Documents and vice versa. This library RichTextAssistant will support editing the rich text in Google Spreadsheets using Google Apps Script. Google Spreadsheet can use rich text as the cell value using Google Apps Script. But, I thought that when I created a script for editing the existing rich text in the cell, it might be a bit complicated.

Folder Picker using jsTree with Google Apps Script and Javascript

Gists This is a sample script for the folder picker using jsTree with Google Apps Script and Javascript. I have already published “File Picker using Google Apps Script and Javascript without 3rd party”. In this post, jsTree is used. Usage 1. Install Google Apps Script library. In this script, “FilesApp” of my Google Apps Script library is used. So, please install it. You can see how to install it at here.

Benchmark: Process Costs for Searching Value using Object with Google Apps Script

Gists When a value is searched from the 1-dimensional array and a 2-dimensional array, after V8 runtime could be used, I use JSON object, Set object, and Map Object. But, I had never measured the process cost of this situation. In this post, I would like to introduce the process cost for searching a value using a JSON object, Set object, and Map object converted from the 1-dimensional array and 2-dimensional array.

Importing Microsoft Excel to Google Spreadsheet using Custom Function with Google Apps Script

Gists This is a sample script for importing Microsoft Excel (XLSX) data to Google Spreadsheet using a custom function with Google Apps Script. Usage 1. Install SheetJS library. Please copy the script of the SheetJS library from https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-latest/package/dist/xlsx.full.min.js, and paste the script to the script editor of Google Spreadsheet, and save the script. In this case, I would like to recommend the following flow. Add a new script to the script editor.

Directly Retrieving Values from XLSX data using SheetJS with Google Apps Script

Gists Updated on July 8, 2023 In the current stage, unfortunately, the built-in methods of Google Apps Script cannot directly retrieve the values from the XLSX data. From this situation, I have created DocsServiceApp. When this Google Apps Script library is used, the values are directly retrieved from XLSX data by parsing XML data of XLSX data. Here, as another approach, I would like to introduce a sample script for directly retrieving the values from XLSX data using SheetJS with Google Apps Script.