
The Thinker

Creating Dining Reservation System using Google Apps Script

Gists Abstract Google Apps Script automates tasks (even offline) and builds web apps using spreadsheets as databases. This report presents a basic dining reservation system to illustrate key aspects of web app development with Apps Script, HTML, and Javascript. Introduction Google Apps Script is one of the powerful automation tools for achieving the automation process. When Google Apps Script can be used for the situation, even when users are away from their computers, automation can continue thanks to cloud computing.

Report: How to Run Google Apps Script

Gists Abstract Google Apps Script is one of the strong tools with cloud computing, and it is very useful for various situations. Google Apps Script can be run by various methods. This report introduces how to execute Google Apps Script. Recently, generative AI has given a lot of new users a chance to use Google Apps Script. If this report helps the users develop applications using Google Apps Script, I’m glad.

Trend of google-apps-script Tag on Stackoverflow 2024

Gists Published: January 6, 2024 Kanshi Tanaike Introduction At Stackoverflow, a lot of people post questions and answers to the questions every day. There are various tags in Stackoverflow. A lot of discussions are performed at each tag. Their discussions bring important information and are very useful for a lot of people. As one of the tags, there is “google-apps-script”. I sometimes discuss the questions with that tag. When we see the discussions, we notice that the discussions have changed and progressed over time, because “Google Apps Script” which is the origin of the tag is updated.

Use Microsoft Docs Files (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) with Document Service, Spreadsheet Service, and Slides Service of Google Apps Script

Gists Description Recently, Microsoft Docs files (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files) could be manually edited by opening it on Google Drive using the browser. This is good news for a lot of users. With this situation, the URLs of Microsoft Docs files were changed. For example, when a Microsoft Word file (DOCX) is opened on Google Drive with the browser, the URL is https://docs.google.com/document/d/###/edit. ### of this URL is the file ID of the DOCX file on Google Drive.

GAS Library - MicrosoftDocsApp

Overview This is a Google Apps Script library for using Microsoft Docs files (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files) using Document service, Spreadsheet service, and Slides Service of Google Apps Script. Description Recently, Microsoft Docs files (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files) could be manually edited by opening it on Google Drive using the browser. This is good news for a lot of users. With this situation, the URLs of Microsoft Docs files were changed.