
About Donation

From before, I have gotten several contacts about the donation to me. Thank you so much. So, today I could prepare the PayPal.Me. You can donate to me using the following URL.

Contact form on this blog

Now, I confirmed that the contact form on this blog was required to be reauthorized. By this, I reauthorized it and confirm that the contact form can be used now. and jQuery.Deferred doesn't return values. So I tried this using jQuery.Deferred. GAS : function doGet() { return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('index') .setSandboxMode(HtmlService.SandboxMode.IFRAME); } function getValues(e) { return e + "hoge"; } HTML : index.html <script src=""></script> <body> <input type="button" id="button" value="ok"> <div id="result"></div> <script> $(() => { $("#button").click(() => { var str = "fuga"; googleScriptRun(str).then((res) => { $('#result').text(res); }); }); }); function googleScriptRun(str) { var d = new $.Deferred(); => {d.resolve(res)}).getValues(str); return d.

Netatmo API Had Been Down 2

Report Netatmo API had been down from Aug. 8, 2017 21:30 JST to Aug. 9, 2017 17:30 JST. Now it's working. I got an e-mail from Netatmo. They say that the issue was solved.


I may be slow a bit, but I could notice much convenience of CoffeeScript just now. I didn't know that scripts of GAS can be made by CoffeeScript up until now. This will have me work more effectively! :D


This is a first post. Today this blog was launched. I would like to introduce some of my experimental results. I'm Japanese. So I'll use both English and Japanese here. Thank you.