
Add-on - ShapeApp

ShapeApp for Google Slides was published as an add-on application When you use Google Slides, have you ever thought about creating and updating shapes on Slides by inputting parameters, and arranging selected shapes? I have thought about them. Recently, since Class SlidesApp was added to GAS, it came to be able to easily to create various applications for Slides. So I created this. This application is add-on application which was made of GAS.

Add-on - RearrangeScripts

RearrangeScripts was published as an add-on application Recently, I have reported RearrangeScripts for rearranging scripts in a GAS project. At that time, I got messages and mails from many developers. They said that you should publish this as an add-on. So, this was released. Now you can search “RearrangeScripts” as an add-on for Spreadsheet. If this is helpful for you, I'm happy. Add-on GitHub Demo