
Request of multipart/form-data with Simple Request Body using Google Apps Script

Gists This is a sample script of the request of multipart/form-data with a simple request body using Google Apps Script. I hope that the users will easy to use Class UrlFetchApp by this report. This report is the updated post of “Multipart-POST Request Using Google Apps Script”. Description I had already reported about this at this report. In that case, it was required to create a bit complicated request body to request multipart/form-data.

Multipart-POST Request Using Google Apps Script

Gist These sample scripts are for requesting multipart post using Google Apps Script. In most cases, the multipart request is used for uploading files. So I prepared 2 sample situations as follows. For each situation, the request parameters are different. Upload a file from Google Drive to Slack. Convert an excel file to Spreadsheet on Google Drive using Drive API v3. Multipart post is required for these situations.