
Workaround: Showing Log in Web Apps to Apps Script Dashboard using Javascript

Gists I have already reported for showing the log to “Apps Script Dashboard” when it requests to the Web Apps. Ref In order to show the log to “Apps Script Dashboard” when it requests to the Web Apps, it is required to use the access token. But in the current stage, when the access token is used for XMLHttpRequest and fetch of Javascript in the request headers, the error related to CORS occurs.

Logs in Web Apps for Google Apps Script

Gists This is a report for retrieving the logs in Web Apps for Google Apps Script, when it requests to the Web Apps. Experimental condition 1. Sample script for Web Apps const doGet = (e) => { Logger.log(`GET method: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`); console.log(`GET method: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`); return ContentService.createTextOutput( JSON.stringify({ method: "GET", e: e }) ); }; const doPost = (e) => { Logger.log(`POST method: ${JSON.stringify(e)}`); console.log(`POST method: ${JSON.