Setting Number Format of Cells on Google Spreadsheet using batchUpdate in Sheets API with golang


This is a sample script for setting the number format of cells on Google Spreadsheet using batchUpdate in Sheets API with golang. In this case, googleapis for golang is used. The script of the authorization can be seen at the official document.

Sample script

In this script, the number format of the column “A” is changed to yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss. And, please include to the scopes.

sheetId := 12345678  // Please set the sheet ID which is not Spreadsheet ID. Please be careful this.

repeatCellRequest := &sheets.RepeatCellRequest{
    Fields: "userEnteredFormat.numberFormat",
    Range: &sheets.GridRange{
        SheetId:          int64(sheetId),
        StartRowIndex:    0,
        StartColumnIndex: 0,
        EndColumnIndex:   1,
    Cell: &sheets.CellData{
        UserEnteredFormat: &sheets.CellFormat{
            NumberFormat: &sheets.NumberFormat{
                Pattern: "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss",
                Type:    "DATE",
requestBody := &sheets.BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest{
    Requests: []*sheets.Request{&sheets.Request{
        RepeatCell: repeatCellRequest,
resp, err := srv.Spreadsheets.BatchUpdate(bookID, requestBody).Do()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", resp)

