This is a sample script for retrieving the difference between 2 arrays, which are the old values and the new values, using Google Apps Script. In my environment, I sometimes have the situation that it is required to retrieve the difference between 2 arrays. So I prepared this as a sample script. I think that this can be also used at Javascript and Node.js. If this was also useful for your situation, I’m glad.
Sample script
In this sample script, the difference of the values of oldValues
and newValues
is retrieved as an object.
const getDiffFrom2Arrays = (oldValues, newValues) => {
const inputObjects = [
{ name: "oldValues", value: oldValues },
{ name: "newValues", value: newValues },
const object = inputObjects.reduce(
(o1, { name, value }) =>
Object.assign(o1, {
[name]: value.reduce(
(o2, f) => Object.assign(o2, { [f]: o2[f] ? o2[f] + 1 : 1 }),
const diff1 = Object.entries(object.newValues).reduce(
(o, [k, v]) => {
if (object.oldValues[k]) {
const d = v - object.oldValues[k];
o.changed.push({ [k]: ((d < 0 || d == 0 ? "" : "+") + d).toString() });
} else {
o.addedNewValues.push({ [k]: v });
return o;
{ addedNewValues: [], changed: [] }
const diff2 = Object.entries(object.oldValues).reduce(
(o, [k, v]) => {
if (!object.newValues[k]) o.removed.push({ [k]: v });
return o;
{ removed: [] }
return Object.assign(diff1, diff2);
const oldValues = ["a1", "b1", "b1", "c1", "d1", "e1"];
const newValues = ["a1", "b1", "d1", "a1", "d1", "f1", "g1", "a1", "g1"];
const res = getDiffFrom2Arrays(oldValues, newValues);
console.log(JSON.stringify(res)); // {"addedNewValues":[{"f1":1},{"g1":2}],"changed":[{"a1":"+2"},{"b1":"-1"},{"d1":"+1"}],"removed":[{"c1":1},{"e1":1}]}
When above script is run, the following result is returned.
"addedNewValues": [{ "f1": 1 }, { "g1": 2 }],
"changed": [{ "a1": "+2" }, { "b1": "-1" }, { "d1": "+1" }],
"removed": [{ "c1": 1 }, { "e1": 1 }]