When '//' in template literal is used in a HTML file in script editor, it is used as a comment start



When // in template literal is used in a HTML file in script editor, it is used as a comment start.

const sample = `//`;

For example, when above script is used in a HTML file at the script editor, ;" of const sample =`//`; is used as the comment.


I would like to explain about this bug using the following sample flow.


  1. Create new Spreadsheet and open the script editor. In this explanation, please use the container-bound script.

  2. Put the following script to Code.gs.

function openDialog() {
  const html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile("index");
  SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(html, "sample");
  1. Create a HTML file as index, and put the following script to the created HTML file.
  const sample = `//`;
  • At the script editor, please run “openDialog”. And please open the console.
  • Please replace `//` to "//" , `"//"` , '//', `'//'` and `\/\/`. And test them.
  1. By this, you can see that the error of Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token occurs only when const sample = `//`; is tested. The result is as follows.
  • const sample = `//`; occurs an error like above.
  • const sample = "//"; occurs no error.
  • const sample = `"//"`; occurs no error.
  • const sample = '//'; occurs no error.
  • const sample = `'//'`; occurs no error.
  • const sample = `\/\/`; occurs no error.

From these results, it is considered that when // is used without enclosed by the double quotes and the single quotes in the template literal, it is used as the comment start. As the current workaround, `\/\/` can be used.

By the way, when const sample = `//`; is used as the Google Apps Script side (Code.gs), no error occurs. So I thought that this might be the current specification or a bug.

This has been mentioned by this thread ( https://stackoverflow.com/q/61692427 ).

Google Issue Tracker

This has reported to Google Issue Tracker. https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/156139610
