Updated ggsrun to v122

ggsrun was updated to v.1.2.2

  1. For Google Docs (spreadsheet, document, slide and drawing), since I noticed that the revision files would not be able to be retrieved using Drive API v3, I modified this using new workaround.
    • The new workaround is to use Drive API v2. drive.revisions.get of Drive API v2 can retrieve not only the revision list, but also the export links. I thought of the use of the export links. This became the new workaround.
    • For the files except for Google Docs, the revision files can be retrieved using Drive API v3.
    • The usage is here.

I don’t know when this workaround will not be able to be used. But if this could not be used, I would like to investigate of other method.

You can check this at https://github.com/tanaikech/ggsrun.
