
Updated: GAS Library - ManifestsApp

ManifestsApp was updated to v1.0.4. v1.0.4 (February 12, 2020) “runtimeVersion” got to be able to be got and set. Now, ‘STABLE’, ‘V8’, ‘DEPRECATED_ES5’ can be used as the value of “runtimeVersion”. For example, you can enable V8 with the following script. var r = ManifestsApp.setProjectId(projectId).setRuntimeVersion("V8"); Logger.log(r); As one important point, when “STABLE” and “DEPRECATED_ES5” are used for the Google Apps Script project created before 2020 as the value of “runtimeVersion”, the error of Syntax error: Illegal character.

Updated: GAS Library - ManifestsApp

ManifestsApp was updated to v1.0.3. v1.0.3 (July 11, 2018) By Google’s update, “sheets” was added to manifests for installing the configuration of Macro. By this, this library was updated. You can see the added methods (getSheets(), setSheets()) at Usage. If you set “sheets”, please put the value of “sheets” as the resource like below sample. {"macros": [{"menuName": "QuickRowSum", "functionName": "calculateRowSum"}]} Don’t put {"sheets": {"macros": [{"menuName": "QuickRowSum", "functionName": "calculateRowSum"}]}} You can check this at https://github.

Updated: GAS Library - ManifestsApp

ManifestsApp was updated to v1.0.2. v1.0.2 (January 29, 2018) ProjectApp2 is published, and got to be able to use both standalone script type and container-bound script type. By this, this library also got to be able to be used for the both projects. For this update, please enable Apps Script API. Please check “How to install”. You can check this at https://github.