
Sending Outlook Emails using Microsoft Account with Google Apps Script

Gists This is a sample script for sending Outlook emails using Microsoft account with Google Apps Script. Before you use this script, please install OnedriveApp which is Google Apps Script library. Ref And, please authorize your Microsoft account for using Microsoft Graph API. Ref Sample script function myFunction() { const obj = [ { to: [{ name: "### name ###", email: "### email address ###" }, , ,], subject: "sample subject 1", body: "sample text body", cc: [{ name: "name1", email: "emailaddress1" }, , ,], }, { to: [{ name: "### name ###", email: "### email address ###" }, , ,], subject: "sample subject 2", htmlBody: "<u><b>sample html body</b></u>", attachments: [blob], bcc: [{ name: "name1", email: "emailaddress1" }, , ,], }, ]; const prop = PropertiesService.

Send E-mail with xlsx File Converted from Spreadsheet

This is a script to send e-mail with a xlsx file converted from spreadsheet as an attachment file. Access token is necessary to use this script. function excelSender() { var accesstoken = "[your accesstoken]"; var sheetID = "[sheet id]"; var xlsxName = "[output xlsx file name]" var params = { "headers" : {Authorization: "Bearer " + accesstoken}, "muteHttpExceptions" : true }; var dUrl = "" + sheetID + "/export?mimeType=application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" var xlsxlFile = UrlFetchApp.