
The Thinker

Updated: GAS Library - OnedriveApp

OnedriveApp was updated to v1.2.0. v1.2.0 (October 4, 2021) 1 method for retrieving the access token and 7 methods for managing emails of Microsoft account were added. By this, the emails got to be able to be gotten and sent using Microsoft account using OnedriveApp with Google Apps Script. GitHub of OnedriveApp

Directly Submitting Answers to Google Form using Google Apps Script

Gists This is a sample script for directly submitting answers to Google Form using Google Apps Script. The sample Google Form is as follows. For this Google Form, this sample script submits the values of sample text, option2 and option1, option2, sample option to Google Form. Sample script For the multiple answers, it seems that it is required to send the values as the query parameter. I thought that the same key is used.

About Donation

From before, I have gotten several contacts about the donation to me. Thank you so much. So, today I could prepare the PayPal.Me. You can donate to me using the following URL. https://paypal.me/tanaikech