Moving File to Specific Folder using Google Apps Script


These are 3 sample scripts for moving a file to the specific folder in Google Drive using Google Apps Script.

Sample script 1

In this script, only Drive Service is used.

var sourceFileId = "###";
var destinationFolderId = "###";

var file = DriveApp.getFileById(sourceFileId);

Sample script 2

In this script, only Drive API at Advanced Google services. (In this case, it’s Drive API v2.)

var sourceFileId = "###";
var destinationFolderId = "###";

Drive.Files.update({ parents: [{ id: destinationFolderId }] }, sourceFileId);

Sample script 3

In this script, only Drive API v3 is used.

var sourceFileId = "###";
var destinationFolderId = "###";

var url1 =
  "" +
  sourceFileId +
var res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url1, {
  headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() }
var currentParent = JSON.parse(res).parents[0];
var url2 =
  "" +
  sourceFileId +
  "?addParents=" +
  destinationFolderId +
  "&removeParents=" +
UrlFetchApp.fetch(url2, {
  method: "patch",
  headers: { Authorization: "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() }

