Remove ImportError of Module for Sublime Text


When I launched Sublime Text, I noticed that the error occurred. The error is as follows.

ImportError: No module named 'yaml'

I confirmed that this error occurs when the plugin of Material Theme is read. And the error started to occur after Material Theme was updated, recently.

In this report, I would like to introduce the method for removing this error. The flow is as follows.

  1. Download a file including library for yaml (PyYAML) from
    • In my environment, I downloaded
  2. Unzip the downloaded file.
    • You can see a directory of yaml.
  3. Add the directory of yaml to
    • is in the directory which installed Sublime Text.

By above flow, the error can be removed. If the error of ImportError occurs for other modules, you can try to do this method. I think that although my Sublime Text is Sublime Text3 build 3143 x64, this method may be able to be used for Sublime Text2.


  • OS Windows10 Home x64
  • Sublime Text3 build 3143 x64
  • Material Theme v4.1.4

If this information was useful for you, I’m glad.
