When the shared files on Google Drive is downloaded, it is necessary to change the download method by the file size. The boundary of file size when the method is changed is about 40MB.
File size < 40MB
filename="### filename ###"
fileid="### file ID ###"
curl -L -o ${filename} "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=${fileid}"
File size > 40MB
When it tries to download the file with more than 40MB, Google says to download from following URL.
<a id="uc-download-link" class="goog-inline-block jfk-button jfk-button-action" href="/uc?export=download&confirm=####&id=### file ID ###">download</a>
Query included confirm=####
is important for downloading the files with large size. In order to retrieve the query from the HTML, it uses pup
pup 'a#uc-download-link attr{href}'
And sed
is used to remove amp;
sed -e 's/amp;//g'`
So curl command is as follows.
filename="### filename ###"
fileid="### file ID ###"
query=`curl -c ./cookie.txt -s -L "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=${fileid}" | pup 'a#uc-download-link attr{href}' | sed -e 's/amp;//g'`
curl -b ./cookie.txt -L -o ${filename} "https://drive.google.com${query}"
The value of confirm
is changed every time. So when the value of confirm
is retrieved, the cookie is saved using -c ./cookie.txt
, and when the file is downloaded, the cookie has to be read using -b ./cookie.txt
Reference: http://qiita.com/netwing/items/f2a595389f39206235e8