I made One Liner Code to retrieve data using Netatmo API. There are 2 ways. One is for windows dos. Another is for unix bash. Requirement tools are curl and jq.
windows dos
> setlocal & curl -s -d "grant_type=password&client_id='#####'&client_secret='#####'&username='#####'&password='#####'&scope=read_station" "https://api.netatmo.net/oauth2/token" | for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %a in (`jq -r ".access_token"`) do @set a="%a" | curl -s -d "access_token=%a&device_id='#####'" "https://api.netatmo.net/api/getstationsdata" > dat.txt & for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %b in (`jq -r ".body.devices[0].dashboard_data.Temperature" dat.txt`) do @set b="%b" | echo: & set /p nb=Indoor: Temperature %b [degree C],<nul & for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %b in (`jq -r ".body.devices[0].dashboard_data.Humidity" dat.txt`) do @set b="%b" | set /p nb=Humidity %b [%],<nul & for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %b in (`jq -r ".body.devices[0].dashboard_data.Pressure" dat.txt`) do @set b="%b" | set /p nb=Pressure %b [hPa]<nul & for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %b in (`jq -r ".body.devices[0].modules[0].dashboard_data.Temperature" dat.txt`) do @set b="%b" | echo: & set /p nb=Outdoor: Temperature %b [degree C],<nul & for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %b in (`jq -r ".body.devices[0].modules[0].dashboard_data.Humidity" dat.txt`) do @set b="%b" | set /p nb=Humidity %b [%]<nul & del dat.txt
Indoor: Temperature 12 [degree C], Humidity 56 [%], Pressure 1000.2 [hPa]
Outdoor: Temperature 12.3 [degree C], Humidity 56 [%]
unix bash
$ curl -s -d "grant_type=password&client_id='#####'&client_secret='#####'&username='#####'&password='#####'&scope=read_station" "https://api.netatmo.net/oauth2/token"|curl -s -d "access_token=`jq -r '.access_token'`&device_id='#####'" "https://api.netatmo.net/api/getstationsdata"|jq -r '"\nIndoor: Temperature "+(.body.devices[0].dashboard_data.Temperature|tostring)+" [degree C], Humidity "+(.body.devices[0].dashboard_data.Humidity|tostring)+" [%], Pressure "+(.body.devices[0].dashboard_data.Pressure|tostring)+" [hPa]\nOutdoor: Temperature "+(.body.devices[0].modules[0].dashboard_data.Temperature|tostring)+" [degree C], Humidity "+(.body.devices[0].modules[0].dashboard_data.Humidity|tostring)+" [%]"'
Indoor: Temperature 12 [degree C], Humidity 56 [%], Pressure 1000.2 [hPa]
Outdoor: Temperature 12.3 [degree C], Humidity 56 [%]
If you want to use these One Liner Codes, you can use following code. Please replace “#####” to yours.
Also you can see the detailed information at https://github.com/tanaikech/cui4netatmo. You will see 2 scripts except for one-liner code. These scripts retrieve data from netatmo using refresh token.